Open House. Open House on Sunday, October 2, 2011 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Single family houses year to date sales totalled 10,584 with the average sale price of $1,180,947. This 22% increase in number of sales and a 21% increase in average price year to date over last year same time period. Townhouse year to date sales totalled 4026 with an average sale price of $564,969. This is a 6% increase in the number of sales and a 3% increase in average price year to date over the same time period last year. Condominiums year to date sales totalled 9231 with the average sale price of $458,141. This 0% change in number of sales and a 5% increase in average price year to date over the same time period last year.
Total of all types year to date here has been 23,841 sales with an average sale price of $797,065. This is a 10% increase in number of sales and a 19% increase in average price over last year same time period.
Note - The volume of sales overall increased about 8% August over July . Local Maple Ridge
Single family houses year to date sales totalled 698 with the average sale price of $500,664. This almost identical in number of sales and in average price year to date over last year same time period. Townhouse year to date sales totalled 303 with an average sale price $312,703. This is a 30% increase in the number of sales and a 1% decrease in average price year to date over last year same time period . Condominiums year to date sales totalled 145 with the average sale price of $206,236. This 13% decrease in number of sales and a 7% decrease in price year to date over last year same time period .Total of all types year to date here has been 1146 sales with an average sale price of $413,714. This is a 6% increase in number of sales and a 2% decrease in average price over last year same time period .
Note - Our housing market has remained stable in regards to volume and prices for the last 12 months. We are anticipating a reasonably busy fall market from now until early December. The fall market is the second busiest of the year with the spring being busiest.
For more detail just call 604-466-4549 or emailpearceteam@telus.net .
Prime Rate remains at 3% with 3-5 year term variable rate mortgages available at 2.1% - A $300,000 mortgage at 2.1% for 30 years is $1123 month. Prime rate is stable with minimal increases in 1-5year term fixed mortgages. Five year fixed term is available below 4% with some places offering as low as $3.65% for a five year fixed. The United States has indicated their rates will likely not change in the next 2 years and our rates tend to mirror theirs.
If you are considering a move for 2011 now is the time to get listed for the fall market ! Traditionally the second busiest market of the year from September 1 - November 30th.