Almost everyone feels the credit crunch at some point in their life but with a little planning, it can almost always be overcome.
Debt management isn't a very popular family topic but talking about it with your kids and loved ones can pro-actively help them avoid a lifetime of financial woes. Here are a few of the basics:
- Open Book - Examine all debt at once so the focus can be directed towards paying off high interest, non-deductible debt first.
- Budget Crunch - List all income and fixed expenses such as house and car payments. Next, list variable expenses to see what can be cut back on.
- Consolidate - Monthly payments can likely be lowered by consolidating debt through a home equity loan as the interest rate will be much lower.
- Reach Out - Creditors will often reduce monthly payments if a debt repayment plan is entered into with a reputable organization.
Managing debt may seem like a daunting task but it can help avoid a financial crisis that could devastate a person's credit rating and ability to borrow money at attractive rates. Deciding which options work best depends on the individual's level of debt, level of discipline and their future prospects.
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